Our Achievement

The Electronic Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Accelerated and Simplified Tasks (eFAST) is the FAA's preferred contracting vehicle for small business contracts. eFAST streamlines the procurement process for all stakeholders using a web-based acquisition tool and automated workflows compliant with applicable FAA standards. eFAST supports the following contract types: Firm-Fixed Price, Cost Reimbursable, Time and Materials, Labor Hour and others as appropriate. ISCI currently performs on tasks under the eFast’s Master Ordering Agreement (MOA).

ISCI was awarded the Commander, Naval Installations Command (CNIC) fleet wide motorcycle and roadway safety training contract in November of 2014 - an effort to continue to improve the safety of Navy personnel. This contract has a one year base period with four one-year options and provides safety training in basic motorcycle handling and safe operations. This contract provides a readily accessible source of robust training to include, but not limited to, basic and advanced instruction in motorcycle safety, off-road vehicle safety, and motor vehicle safety at Navy Installations nationwide.
Contract #N00244-14-D-0030: Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC), CONUS, ISCI, as Prime, provides motorcycle and driver instructors to conduct both motorcycle safe driving classes and remedial driver training, for Navy 51 installations.
Period of Performance: October 2014 through October 2019.

ISCI was awarded the Navy's SeaPort-e electronic platform for acquiring support services in 22 functional areas including Engineering, Financial Management, and Program Management. SeaPort-e provides an efficient and effective means of contracting for professional support services and enhancing small business participation. The SeaPort-e portal provides a standardized, efficient means of soliciting offers from amongst the diverse population of large and small businesses. All task orders are competitively solicited, awarded and managed using the SeaPort-e platform.
Contract #N00178-10-D-4000: Naval Sea Systems Command, Naval Air Systems Command, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, Naval Supply Systems Command, Military Sealift Command, Naval Facilities Command, Strategic Systems Programs, Office of Naval Research, and the Marine Corps, CONUS, ISCI, as Prime, provided services that potentially span the entire spectrum of mission areas supported by the activities and technical capabilities that comprise the various ordering offices, as well provide professional support services to the overall Navy within zones 2, 3 & 4, and Marine Corp organizations.
Period of Performance: July 2010 through April 2019

ISCI is a subcontractor to ASM Research, an Accenture Federal Services Company, to support the Continuous Readiness in Information Security Program (CRISP), which is designed to reduce information security risks across VA programs and systems. The contract has a one-year base period with three one-year options. The work combines expertise in IT technology, software engineering, healthcare, systems infrastructure and mission knowledge to assist the VA in taking important steps to continue improving the protection of its technology systems and the data.
Contract #VA118-11-D-1011/1019: Continuous Readiness in Information Security Program (CRISP), CONUS, ISCI, as Subcontractor, provides Cyber Security support to remediate programs enabling better cyber security, Department of Veteran Affair.
Period of Performance: July 2015 – July 2019

ISCI is a subcontractor to ACET on the Army’s R2-3G IDIQ Contract. R2-3G is the U. S. Army Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM) Rapid Response Program. It is a five year contract available to Department of Defense (DOD) and other Federal Agencies to provide rapid access to products and services to research, development, upgrade, install, fabricate, test, operate, maintain and support new and existing platforms, systems and subsystems.

ISCI is a subcontractor to Tetra Tech AMT on Alliant, GSA’s premier enterprise GWAC, providing flexible access to customized IT solutions from a large, diverse pool of industry partners. With a $50 Billion program ceiling and a five-year base period with one five-year option, Alliant allows for long-term planning of large-scale program requirements. Alliant features fixed-price, cost-reimbursement, labor-hour, and time-and-materials task order types, providing greater flexibility in procuring different types of IT products and services, to meet mission requirements.
Contract # 47QTCK18D0059: The Alliant 2, the General Services Administration’s (GSA) premier enterprise Governmentwide Acquisitions Contract (GWAC), CONUS, ISCI, as Subcontractor, provides flexible access to customized information technology (IT solutions) on task order basis.
Period of Performance: July 2018 -2028.